Monday, April 15, 2013

Partner Story

Zain Ahmad lives a quiet life at Eastview High School as a senior being that he moved here from Chicago only a year ago as a junior.  Without spending time out of school with him, you may not know that he seeks adventure and looks to spend his free time doing fun and exciting things.  As a sophomore living in Chicago, he spent a day at Six Flags with his cousins and said it was the most exciting thing he’s ever done.  His favorite kind of rides to go on is the biggest and fastest ones, so that’s where he and his cousins spent most of their time that day.  Because his dad’s job got transferred to Minnesota, it isn’t as easy for him to take a day trip to Six Flags with his cousin to fulfill his need for excitement.   He still sees his cousins often but not as often as he would when he lived in Chicago.  Although he likes Minnesota and knows there are still ways to have fun here, he would prefer to live in Chicago with cousins because then he can be with family and be with people that share the same sense of adventure.  

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