Friday, May 17, 2013

"It's too hot for coffee"

Sound Bites

“During the summer months we ice most of our drinks. A lot of our customers still need their caffeine fix so if they usually get a latte they will come in and get an ice latte instead.”

B-roll: Tight shot


“I think I probably come in here two to three times a week, usually. Maybe less but max three times a week.”

“Well typically I like a hot cup of coffee, but in the summer it’s really nice to just come in and get a cool drink.”

B-roll: medium/tight shot


“I’ve got the ice Mud Puddle right here, one of their classics. It’s got vanilla, and mocha, A little bit of chocolate mixed in there, and mix it all up with some ice and it’s a good, good drink. A little bit of cream and it tops it all off.”

B-roll: tight shot & links to tight shot of coffee


“We read a lot of medical books and herb books and they said drinking coffee can actually cool you down than drinking cold sodas and stuff. It has something to do to reduce the heat of the body, and it seems to do okay.”

B-roll: medium shot

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