Tuesday, May 21, 2013

"It's too hot for coffee"


Camera shot breakdown of Boyd Huppert's story

Story title: "It’s too hot for coffee"

Air date: summer

Total run time (of story, not anchor lead-in and out): 5:54

Shot-by-shot breakdown:

  1.   MS man sitting in coffee shot
  2.     MCU man typing on computer
  3.    CA people waiting in line
  4.   CU coffee menu/sign
  5. ECU coffee menu
  6.   CU coffee beans
  7.   CU ceiling fan
  8.    CU creamer being carried
  9.     MS creamer being put away
  10.  MS preparing smoothie
  11.    CU pick up drinks sign
  12.    CU different coffee choices
  13.    MS coffee being filled
  14. CU toilet art
  15. MS toiled art
  16. CU inside toilet art
  17. CU menu
  18. CU menu choices
  19. MS workers making coffee
  20. pan of coffee shop
  21. MS toilet art
  22. CU opening toilet art
  23. MS drinking coffee
  24. MS sitting down
  25. CU cold drink
  26. CU grinding coffee
  27. MS scooping in coffee
  28. MS pressing coffee
  29. MS making espresso
  30. CU watching coffee pour
  31. MS waiting for coffee
  32. MS making frappe
  33. CU inside of blender
  34. MS adding ingredients
  35. MS getting ice
  36. CU blending
  37. ECU blender screen
  38. MS pouring frappe
  39. MS giving away frappe
  40. WS man walking away with drink

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