1. What is the lead in this story? Does it intrigue you to keep watching?
Something unusual happening in a quiet neighborhood. Yes
2. What are the 5W's of this story: Who, What, Where, When, Why
Who- woman (interviewee) and other neighbors
What- robber breaking in and stealing (through doggie door)
When- all robberies happening close to eachother
Where- quiet neighborhood, block away of 31st and Julian
Why- to raise awareness to be extra cautious
3. Give an example of the reporters Voice over or seque (Write it down word for word)
Gives information after every sentence the interviewee says about the story
4. When do we see the reporter's stand-up? Beginning, Middle, or End?
Middle- down the sidewalk
5. What is the purpose of this reporter's stand-up?
-move story forward
-reporter becomes B-Roll
-take me to the scene
-use props
-be creative and surprise us
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